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Southern Joint Development Assessment Panel

The Shire of Kojonup is serviced by the Southern JDAP.

  • For a list of which Councillors represent the Shire of Kojonup on the Southern JDAP, please visit the Committees of Council page of this website.
  • To view Agendas & Minutes for Southern JDAP meetings, please use the right hand drop down box above to navigate between years.


AGENDA - Amendment to Site Plan for Proposed Piggery - GD Pork

MINUTES - Amendment to Site Plan for Proposed Piggery - GD Pork


AGENDA - Proposed Cattle Feedlot - Cheviot Hills Farm

AGENDA - Proposed Piggery Expansion - Lot 10 Crapella Rd, Boscabel

MINUTES - Proposed Cattle Feedlot - Cheviot Hills Farm

MINUTES - Proposed Piggery Expansion - Lot 10 Crapella Rd, Boscabel

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