Bush Fire and Burning Information

In an emergency, please call 000.

Shire of Kojonup bushfire hotline - 9831 1580

Shire of Kojonup movement ban hotline - 9831 0145

2024/2025 Fire Break Information




1 November 2024 – 28 February 2025

Permits may be issued between 1 November – 15 December for protective burning only. Between 16 December – 28 February no fires may be lit without the express permission of the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer. The Shire Council has authority to extend this date and you should consult with your local Fire Control Officer or ring the hotline on 9831 0145.



1 October 2024  – 31 October 2024 & 1 April 2025 – 30 April 2025

Permits are required for all fires lit during these Restricted Burning times and must be obtained from your local Fire Control Officer who will explain the conditions under which fires may be lit.

Permits will not be issued for town site burning between1 March – 30 April.

Please note restricted burning times may be extended by the CBFCO, you should consult with your local Fire Control Officer or ring the hotline on 9831 0145.



1 May – 30 September

Landholders must still take necessary precautions to keep their fires under control and on their own properties.



Chemical spraying of firebreaks on land within a Gazetted townsite is to be completed to the Shire’s satisfaction by the 15 September.



3 November 2024 – All firebreaks and fire hazard reduction measures to be completed on land within the gazetted townsite.

4 November 2024 – Council will conduct its annual firebreak inspection of all land within the gazetted townsite.

15 December 2024 – All protective burning and firebreak precautions to be completed on land outside the gazetted townsite.

16 December 2024 – Council will commence its inspection process of all land outside the gazetted townsite.


  1. Patrolling of all fires is the responsibility of the landowner or occupier for as long as the fire poses a risk. These include clearing fires as well as protective burning.
  2. All adjoining landowners must be notified on the morning of the intended burn whether clearing grass or protective burning is carried out.
  3. No fire to be lit before 1300 hours (1pm). As from the April 1, lighting times may be at the discretion of the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer.
  4. For all grass and stubble fires, no trees or heaps of logs are to be burning within 40 metres of the outside of the perimeter break.
  5. All stubble/grass burns conducted within the restricted burning period must have a 3 metre wide perimeter break cleared of all flammable material.
  6. All other conditions on a WRITTEN PERMIT to burn must be complied with.


The above rules are to be observed in all cases unless your Fire Control Officer gives special approval to any alternative provisions.  


Contact Either Zulu or Fire Control Officer in the first instance 9831 1580 or dial 000.

Provide the following information

  • Your name and contact number
  • Fire location (information such as landmarks, road names, your location and the direction of smoke and estimated distance is helpful in establishing fire location)
  • If it is a private property, supply the property owners name if known
  • Provide details of site access if known


VHF Channel 41 - Mid Band Channel

UHF Channel 11 - Upon arrival at firesite

Channel 234 or 229 - WAERN


Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the Bush Fire Act 1954, you are hereby required to have firebreaks clear of all inflammable material, in the position, of the width, and for the period as specified.

1. Urban Land (Land within a gazetted town site)

During the period from the 2nd November to 31st May inclusive, you shall have the following firebreaks:

  • On all land, regardless of size or how the land is zoned, a Building Protection Zone (BPZ) of 20 meters surrounding all buildings must be established. A BPZ is a reduced fuel load zone. Living standing trees, remnant vegetation, maintained gardens and lawns are exempt from BPZ.
  • On all land that is 4,000 square metres or less, all remaining flammable material to be reduced to a height of less than 50mm.
  • On all land in excess of 4000 square meters, clear a 3 metre wide firebreak immediately inside all external boundaries of the land and maintain all flammable material to a height of less than 150mm.
  • Woodpiles are permitted on any land providing a 3 metre wide firebreak is installed and maintained immediately surrounding the woodpile. 
  • Where chemical spraying is the method chosen as the means by which firebreaks are constructed, this is to be completed to the Shire’s satisfaction by 15th September. Firebreaks must be maintained throughout the dates of this notice. If not, the Shire will do the work at the landowners' expense.
  • The Chief Executive officer may instigate a Fire Notice on any property with specification listed to reduce any potential hazard as he deems applicable.

2. Rural Land (Land outside a gazetted town site)

Homesteads, Buildings, Haystacks, Bulk Fuel, Drums and Liquid Petroleum.

During the period from 15th December to the 31st May inclusive you shall have firebreaks at least 20 metres wide, if provided by burning, cultivating or spraying, or 60 metres wide if provided by being closely grazed or mowed to the satisfaction of the Shire. The firebreaks are to be in such positions as are necessary to completely surround the perimeter of any homestead building (excluding isolated non flammable buildings), fuel installation (including drums), hay stacks (but only haystacks within 60 metres of any building) or group of such structures or installations. In each case, the outer 3 metres of the firebreak area must be totally free of any inflammable material and where mowing is the method used; all residue of the mowing process must be removed from the area.

3. Plantation/Tree Farm Land

Plantation/Tree Farms – An area exceeding three hectares planted for commercial purposes

  1. Firebreaks shall be 15 metres wide on the boundaries of all plantations, tree farms, or such other locations as may be agreed to by the Council.
  2. Firebreaks shall be constructed around plantation compartments of approximately 50 hectares.
  3. A 50 metre perimeter firebreak around all buildings and fuel storage areas, cleared of all flammable material is required.

4. Wind Turbine Firebreaks

The fire break requirements for all wind turbines in the Shire of Kojonup is in accordance with the individual Bush Fire Management Plan, as approved at the time of development approval, unless expressly amended by the Council.


Firebreaks – (3 metre requirements) – a firebreak is defined as an area three metres wide cleared of all flammable materials by ways of ploughing, cultivating, scarifying, burning or otherwise clearing the earth. 

Planting Compartment – An individual area of approx 50 hectares surrounded by firebreaks cleared of all flammable material 10 metres wide and 5 metres vertically. Internal firebreaks must be maintained in a trafficable condition and if needed trees on both sides of the firebreak are to be progressively pruned to allow unrestricted access to maintenance and fire fighting equipment to maintain an effective width of firebreak.


If a main power line failure occurs when a Movement of Vehicle Ban is in operation, report to the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer.

Western Power has a minimum requirement of ten metres clearance either side of the outside power pole. Generally, the clearance distanced from the powerline should be no less than the expected mature height of the trees planted in the outside row. However, in all instances where power lines are crossing land where it is proposed that plantations be planted, the owner should consult with Western Power, 13 13 51 for advice.

Boundary Firebreaks

Boundary firebreaks are not compulsory within the Shire of Kojonup Rural Area.


If it is considered impractical for any reason to clear firebreaks on the land as required by this notice you may apply to Council or its duly authorized officer no later than 60 days prior to the date by which firebreaks are required as per this notice for permission to provide firebreaks in alternative positions or take alternative action to abate fire hazards on the land. If Council or its duly authorized offices does not grant permission, you shall comply with the requirements of this notice.

Firebreak Inspection

In following the method adopted by Council to inspect the firebreaks required in this notice, it is not necessary for Council to notify you or give you any prior warning that legal action may proceed for failing to comply with the requirements of this notice.

Penalties: An infringement of $250. A Penalty of up to $5,000. A person in default is also liable, whether prosecuted or not to pay the cost of performing the work directed in this notice if it is not carried out by the required date.

As per the Bush Fires Act 1954,

  • Occupier of land to extinguish bush fire occurring on own land
  • (1) Where bush fire is burning on any land -
  • (a) at any time in any year during the restricted burning times; or
  • (b) during the prohibited burning times, the bush fire is not part of the burning operations being carried on upon the land in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the occupier of the land shall forthwith, upon becoming aware of the bush fire, whether he has lit or caused the same to be lit or not, take all possible measures at his own expense to extinguish the fire.
  • (1B) Where he requires assistance for the purpose he shall if practicable, without leaving the fire unattended, inform or cause to be informed the nearest available bush fire control officer, or bush fire brigade officer, of the existence and locality of the fire.
  • (2)For the purposes of this section, a fire lit before the commencement of a period of prohibited burning times relating to the district where the fire is situated, and which is still burning at the commencement of those prohibited burning times, is to be regarded as being a bush fire which is not part of the burning operation being carried on upon the land in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Penalties: An infringement of $250. A Penalty of up to $10,000.


It is compulsory that an engine powered pumping unit and not less than 600 litres of water must be in attendance during grain harvesting operations. Trailed units must have the towing vehicle attached at all times. The fire fighting unit must be located in or immediately adjacent to the paddock being harvested at all times.

Penalties: An infringement of $250. A Penalty of up to $10,000.

Swathers, Balers and Track Chainers

These are subject to the same conditions as Harvesting i.e. an engine powered pumping unit and not less than 600 litres of water be in attendance during operations from 1st Dec onwards (excluding canola swathing).

Penalties: An infringement of $250. A Penalty of up to $5,000.

Oxyacetylene, Arc Welders, Friction Cutting Equipment etc.

These are subject to the same conditions; whilst used in the open; as Swathers and balers and in addition, the work site must be adequately cleared of flammable material before the use of the above equipment.

To download the Fire Break notice please click the link below -

Fire Break Notice

Australian Fire Danger Rating System Flyer

AFDRS Fire Behaviour Calculator Card for the Agricultural Sector

AFDRS Fire Behaviour Index

Fire Danger Ratings and Bushfire Warning Fact Sheet