Council Registers

Gift Register

This register contains disclosures of gifts that have been made by Elected Members, the Chief Executive Officer and Employees in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995

Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer are required to disclose gifts which are valued over $300 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value over $300 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12-month period) within 10 days of receipt (Sections 5.87A & 5.87B Local Government Act 1995).

Gifts Register

Delegation Register

Local governments have responsibility for decision making assigned under a wide range of legislation. Each power or duty described in legislation requires local governments to fulfil a mandatory duty or use a discretionary power to make these decisions. Delegation is the process that enables local governments to delegate its power or duties, towards enabling efficient and effective strategic, financial and operational management decisions to be made.

The delegations contained within the Delegations Register are made to Committee's pursuant to Section 5.16 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), and to the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 5.42 of the Act. Where listed, some of these functions are also delegated by the Chief Executive Officer to Shire Employees (sub-delegated) pursuant to Section 5.44 of the Act and other legislation where specified. 

The Delegations Register aligns with Outcome 11.1 of the Council Plan: provide strategically focused, open and accountable governance. 

Delegation Registers

Complaint Register

Pursuant to section 5.121 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Register of Certain Complaints of Minor Breaches contains records of complaints that result in a finding under section 5.110(2)(a) that a minor breach has occurred.

The Chief Executive Officer must publish an up-to-date version of the Register on the local government’s official website.

Complaint Register

Primary and Annual Return Register

Elected Members and Designated Employees are required to lodge a Primary Return within 3 months of their start date and an Annual Return by 31 August each year, pursuant to sections 5.75 and 5.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). 

In accordance with Section 5.96A(1)(i) of the Act and Regulation 29(c) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the name of each Elected Member and the position of each Designated Employee who lodged a Primary or Annual Return for a financial year must be published on the local government's website.

Primary and Annual Returns Register

Council Training Register

Under section 5.126 of the Local Government Act 1995, Councillors must complete Council Member Essentials training within 12 months of being elected to the Council. This only applies to those Councillors elected at the ordinary election in October 2019. 

Under section 5.127 of the Local Government Act 1995, details of the the training completed by Councillors for the previous financial year must be published on the Shire's website.

There are five core modules to complete:

- Understanding Local Government

- Conflicts of Interest

- Meeting Procedures

- Serving on Council

- Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets

The Councillor Training Register outlines which training Councillors have completed for the past financial year.

Council Training Register

Tenders Register

Tenders Register