Town Planning

Current Development Application Notices


Local Planning Schemes

Local governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning controls exist for land use and development. They do this by preparing local planning schemes and strategies.

Local planning schemes set out the way land is to be used and developed, classify areas for land use and include provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the local government area.

For further information and a list of the Shire of Kojonup’s Local Planning Scheme documents, please visit Planning - Kojonup.

Town Planning Scheme Policy Manual

Town Planning Scheme Policy Manual

Difference between Planning and Building 

Planning approvals and building permits are different and are controlled by different legislation. This means that you may need to apply for planning approval, or a building permit, or both depending on your proposed development or land use.

If your development does require planning approval, you must obtain the planning approval before lodging an application for a building permit with the Shire. Site plans, elevations and floor plans are required for a planning application, however more detailed construction drawings are required for the separate building application process.

 When Planning Approval is Required

It is important to note that planning approval may be required not only for new construction but also for a change in land use or establishing a new land use on a property.

Examples of when a planning application is required include but are not limited to:

  • Any development in a Special Rural zone, including a single house;
  • Development of a single house in a designated bushfire prone area where the Bushfire Attack Level for the development area is BAL-40 or BAL-FZ;
  • The construction of a dwelling on a lot that does not have access to a constructed road;
  • A single house, extension or outbuilding on a residential lot that entails a variation to the Residential Design Codes;
  • An ancillary dwelling;
  • A second dwelling on a Rural zoned lot;
  • Alterations or additions to a public building, commercial or industrial building;
  • Any works that have potential to change the external appearance of a public building, commercial or industrial building;
  • Any works for a building that is identified on a local or state heritage list;
  • A change of land use (e.g. office to shop);
  • A home business, home occupation or family day care;
  • The demolition of any structure;
  • Commercial uses, Industrial uses and Rural businesses. To find out if planning approval is required for your proposal, please send an email including details of the proposed development to:

Planning Application Timeframes    

  • The Chief Executive Officer has delegated authority to consider most applications in the Shire of Kojonup. If an application has to be advertised, then all advertising is usually conducted prior to any report being referred to Council, or the Chief Executive Officer, so that any submissions that have been lodged can be considered.
  • If a decision on a development application cannot be made within the relevant statutory time frame, a 'Deemed to be Refused' decision can be issued by the Shire. The relevant statutory time frame can however be extended if the applicant and the Shire agree to this in writing.
  • The Shire has 60 calendar days in which to make a determination on an application for planning approval. For applications that require formal advertising or the application is needed to be referred to a statutory, public or planning authority, the Shire has 90 calendar days to determine an application.

Application requirements

Refer to the checklist that provides an overview of the information to be submitted for your application. This includes:

  • Completed application form
  • Payment of application fees
  • Site plans (2 copies)
  • Floor Plans (2 copies)
  • Elevations (2 copies)
  • Written submission outlining your proposal
  • Bushfire Attack Level Assessment (if property is designated as bushfire prone. Search the map here.)


The subdivision of land is controlled by the State Government, via the Western Australian Planning Commission. More information is available from the link here.