Public Events (Including Reserves) Application Form


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Event Organiser Details

Non-Profit*This field is required.

Event Details

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx

Activities, Attractions, Performers (Community)

Will there be any Commercial Amusement Operators at your Event?*This field is required.

Disability Access and Inclusion

Will People with Disabilities Have the Same Opportunity as Other People to Access Your Event?*This field is required.
Will Buildings or Other Structures (e.g. marquees and toilets) Be Accessible for People with Disabilities?*This field is required.
If You Are Providing Information, Will People with Disabilities Receive It in an Easily Accessible Format?*This field is required.
Will People With Disabilities Receive The Same Level And Quality Of Service As Other People?*This field is required.
Will People With Disabilities Have The Same Opportunity As Other People To Make Complaints?*This field is required.
If You Are Conducting Public Consultation At Your Event, Will People With Disabilities Have The Same Opportunities As Other People To Participate?*This field is required.


Have You Obtained Public Liability Insurance For The Event To The Value Of 10 Million Dollars?*This field is required.


Will There Be Any Amplified Noise?*This field is required.
Will Noise From Your Event Potentially Exceed The Assigned Noise Levels As Stated In The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1977?*This field is required.
Do You Have a Complaints Procedure?*This field is required.
Will You Have a Generator At Your Event?*This field is required.


Will You Be Having Any Structures Erected, For Example, Marquees, Stage, Tents, Etc.?*This field is required.
Please Note: For each structure, the manufactures details or structural certification is required. Hire companies should provide this information to you. Once the structures are erected, the person who erects them must provide written confirmation that the structure has been erected in accordance with the manufacture’s details or structural certification and this must be attached to this application.*This field is required.

Eletrical Compliance

Will You Have Any Electrical Leads at the Event?*This field is required.
If Yes, Have these Leads Been Tested & Tagged Within the Last 6 Months by a Licensed Electrician?
Will There Be Any Electrical Installation (Such as Lighting, etc.)?*This field is required.
Please Note: • If your event contains electrical installation such as lighting, electrical equipment etc. you must arrange for a licensed electrician (EC = Electrical Contractor) to check all installations on the day of your event and complete an Electrical Certification Form and attach this form to this application.*This field is required.

Toilet for staff and patrons

Will your event have an accessible toilet (Toilet for people with disabilities)?*This field is required.
Does Your Event Require The Use Of Council Toilets?*This field is required.
Have The Necessary Arrangements Been Made For The Servicing Of The Toilets? Please provide details
If The Event Is To Occur During Darkness, Have Adequate Arrangements Been Made For Lighting Of Toilets?*This field is required.
The first toilet at every event must be an accessible toilet (toilet for people with disabilities). The number of toilets provided has a direct correlation with how many persons will be permitted at the event.*This field is required.

Fire Safety

One 4.5kg B (E) dry chemical powder extinguisher must be located adjacent to: (1) Any electrical generator or switchboard (2) Any flammable liquid or gas container (3) Any food preparation / cooking area. Pressured water type extinguishers or 4.5 kg AB (E) dry chemical extinguishers must be provided: (1) Within 10 metres of each exit (one) – (If designated exits are provided) (2) Backstage – (one)*This field is required.

Food Stalls

Will Any Food be Provided/Sold? If yes, please provide details (names, food products sold, contact details)


Will Alcohol Be Consumed at the Event?*This field is required.
Will Alcohol Be Sold at the Event?*This field is required.
A Shire of Kojonup Liquor Permit is required if alcohol will be offered at the event if it is held on reserve land. Please attach a copy of the Liquor Permit issued by the Shire. Please note: If you require a Liquor Licence, you must lodge an application with the Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor (Email: As part of this application to the Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor, you will need to seek prior approval from the Shire of Kojonup and the local Police.*This field is required.

Protection of Council Reserves

Will Your Event Require Any Holes Dug Or Tent Pegs Driven Into The Ground?*This field is required.
Will You Be Doing Any Line Marking On Grassed Areas For Your Event? If Yes, Please Provide Details*This field is required.
Will You Need Access To The Reserve For Trucks, Semi-trailers Or Heavy Machinery? If Yes, Please Provide Details*This field is required.
Will You Need Access To Any Of The Following; Power, Toilets, Change Rooms?*This field is required.

Waste Management

Will You Need To Hire Council Bins?*This field is required.
Please note: The ratio of bins at an event is one (1) bin per 150 people, unless otherwise approved by Councils Environmental Health Officer.*This field is required.

Traffic Management

Do You Require Road Closure(s)*This field is required.
Do you have a Traffic Management Plan?*This field is required.
Are there accessible parking facilities available?*This field is required.
Are there parking bays available for people with disabilities?*This field is required.
Please note: An application for Road Closure or Temporary Suspension of Road Traffic Act may be required in addition to this application. Forms are available from the WA Police Service and fees may apply. Traffic Management Plans (when required) must be prepared by persons with current accreditation and will require separate approval before this application can be considered. Contact Technical Services for further information.*This field is required.

First Aid Provisions

Will any staff at the event be Senior First Aid qualified? (i.e. St. Johns)*This field is required.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Will You Be Organising First Aid Provisions Through An Accredited Agency? (I.e. St Johns Ambulance)*This field is required.
Please note: Details of the first aid post and the access for emergency vehicles should be shown on the site plan. All first aid personnel must have private indemnity insurance.*This field is required.


Please note: The ultimate responsibility to ensure patron safety rests with the Event Organiser.*This field is required.


Do you have fireworks planned for your event?*This field is required.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx

Emergency Evacuation Plan and Risk Management Plan

Do you have an Emergency Evacuation Plan prepared for your event?*This field is required.
Do you have a Risk Management Plan prepared for your event?*This field is required.
Have you notified the local Police in writing of your event?*This field is required.
Have you notified the local Fire and Emergency Services of your event?*This field is required.
Please note: Irrespective of the size of your event, you must have an Emergency Evacuation Plan prepared for the emergency evacuation of persons at your event.*This field is required.
• If the number of persons expected at your event is > 1000 you must incorporate a Risk Management Plan that complies with A/ZS 4360:2004. If the number of persons expected at the event is < 1000 you must provide a Risk Management Plan that conforms with the Risk Management Guidelines as set out by the WA Local Government Insurance Commission.*This field is required.
The Shire of Kojonup may be able to assist you in preparing your plans.*This field is required.

Advertising and Directional Signage

Do you intend to use advertising signage on public or private land?*This field is required.

Event Acknowledgement


As the event organiser applying for approval to host an event in the Shire of Kojonup acknowledge that the information and completed actions in my application are true and correct. I accept full responsibility of the facility and/or reserve during the specified event period and will ensure compliance with the Shire of Kojonup’s conditions of approval.


I will indemnify the Shire of Kojonup and all relevant landowners against any action, suit or proceeding caused by my failure to observe all statutory and other requirements or as a result of my negligence or wilful actions. I will ensure that appropriate liability and other insurances are in place for the activities to be conducted, with evidence in regard to be presented to the Shire of Kojonup prior to commencement of the event.

Furthermore I understand there could be other requirements outside of this package and that, as the event organiser, I am responsible to meet.*This field is required.

Important Notes & Information

  • You may not proceed with your event without written consent being issued by the Shire of Kojonup until all other statutory requirements have been satisfied.
  • All conditions will be outlined in formal approval. It is your responsibility as the applicant / event organiser to adhere to the conditions of approval.
  • Applications and approvals for an event are not transferable. Therefore the organiser cannot transfer Shire approval for an event to an alternative venue, date or time, without further consent being granted.
  • You must ensure the event adequately caters for the needs of people with

You may be required at the request of the Shire to attend a “de-brief” of the event to discuss any associated issues and/or possible improvements for further events.


Your application will be assessed in accordance with relevant Regulations, Policies and Acts. Correspondence will be forwarded to you as soon as possible, potentially with a request for additional information you will need to submit in order to obtain Council approval.

If you have any queries with any of the questions within this form, please contact the Shire of Kojonup as shown below:

Department: Manager of Regulatory Services

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