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Local Laws

Influences and authorities relating to Local Laws are:

  • Local community consultation for proposed Local Laws as per the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act);
  • The Minister for Local Government who heads the Department of Local Government and Communities (DLGC) which monitors Local Law making;
  • The power of the Minister to request the Governor to make Local Laws that repeal or amend local laws or prevent certain local laws being made; and
  • The courts, which can pronounce on the legitimacy of Local Laws.

The Act enables Western Australian local governments to make local laws considered necessary for the good government of their districts. Local Laws cannot be contrary to any State or Federal Law.  They can only be made when sanctioned by the Act or other written laws. Local Laws can cover many different areas such as cats & dogs, public places, cemeteries, etc. 

Further information is available on Local Laws on the Department of Local Government & Communities website at: