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Bushfire Advisory Committee

The Bush Fire Advisory Committee is established for the purpose of:

  1. Advising the Shire regarding all matters relating to the preventing, controlling and extinguishing of bush fires;
  2. The planning of the layout of firebreaks in the district;
  3. Prosecutions for breaches of this Act;
  4. The formation of bush fire brigades and the grouping thereof under group brigade officers (in accordance with any local laws);
  5. Recommendations on Fire Control Officer positions;
  6. Feedback on the Council’s Fire Break Notice;
  7. Specific requirements from each brigade with regard to:
    • Protective Personal Equipment;
    • Equipment and vehicles resources required; and
    • Training Requirements;
  8. The ensuring of cooperation and coordination of Bush Fire Brigades in their efforts and activities; and
  9. Any other matter relating to bush fire control whether of the same kind as, or a different kind from, those specified in this subsection.

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